Tam Ryan

My photo
Nature and Wildlife Photographer Published in Arizona Highways Magazine, Arizona Highways Magazine's calendars, Arizona Desert Views Magazine's calendars, Nature Conservancy calendar, Images Arizona Magazine, and other publications. Tam Ryan has lived in the Southwestern United States for over forty years. Her interests center on the region's unique attributes, especially its vast landscapes and bird wildlife. Tam Ryan's other interests include abstracts in nature, architecture, desert flora, and cacti.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Published - Friday Fotos: Arizona Highways blog

This week's Arizona Highways Friday Fotos "Old and New" theme.

This is a Harris' Antelope Squirrel eating newly bloomed flowers from a Hops Bush at Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona on April 11, 2017. This squirrel was crawling from branch to branch eating as many flowers as it could while I was watching it for thirty minutes.

Monday, April 3, 2017

High Key Haiku

adjective: (of a photograph) having chiefly light tones, usually with little 
tonal contrast (distinguished from low-key ).
(source: dictionary.com)

High Key photos and Haiku poetry to accompany each image.

Friday Fotos: 9/13/2024 Arizona Highways Magazine

Today's "Friday Fotos" theme is "stripes" on the Facebook page of Arizona Highways Magazine. Both of the images that...