Tam Ryan

My photo
Nature and Wildlife Photographer Published in Arizona Highways Magazine, Arizona Highways Magazine's calendars, Arizona Desert Views Magazine's calendars, Nature Conservancy calendar, Images Arizona Magazine, and other publications. Tam Ryan has lived in the Southwestern United States for over forty years. Her interests center on the region's unique attributes, especially its vast landscapes and bird wildlife. Tam Ryan's other interests include abstracts in nature, architecture, desert flora, and cacti.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Flowering Bud - poem by Tam Ryan

During many of my visits to the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona, there have been many beautiful spring flowers and cactus flowers in bloom.  This is one of many favorite images that I have photographed.

A flowering bud
Creeping up from
Hollow roots
To form perfectly

© 1963 Tam Ryan

Flowering Bud
Purchase Prints HERE

Fragrant Streams

Fragrant streams - flowers
Smells...and all of 
Nature's bells...
Alas, in a dream

© 1963 Tam Ryan

West Fork in Oak Creek Canyon
Purchase prints HERE

Friday Fotos: 9/13/2024 Arizona Highways Magazine

Today's "Friday Fotos" theme is "stripes" on the Facebook page of Arizona Highways Magazine. Both of the images that...