Tam Ryan

My photo
Nature and Wildlife Photographer Published in Arizona Highways Magazine, Arizona Highways Magazine's calendars, Arizona Desert Views Magazine's calendars, Nature Conservancy calendar, Images Arizona Magazine, and other publications. Tam Ryan has lived in the Southwestern United States for over forty years. Her interests center on the region's unique attributes, especially its vast landscapes and bird wildlife. Tam Ryan's other interests include abstracts in nature, architecture, desert flora, and cacti.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Photo Contest Winners Announced

An announcement was made today on the Arizona Highways Magazine's Facebook page with the winners of the wildlife photo contest, co-sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department and Arizona Highways. One of my photos of Hooded Orioles will be published in their calendar in the November-December issue of Arizona Wildlife Views magazine. The winning images will be published in Arizona Highways online sometime in 2016.

Link to winners: https://www.arizonahighways.com/blog/winners-announced-game-and-fish-wildlife-photo-contest

Over 2,000 images were submitted for this photo contest. Several of my photographer friends were winners in this calendar contest all of whom have been a great inspiration to me with my photography.

Hooded Orioles at Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Superior, Arizona.

Friday Fotos: 9/13/2024 Arizona Highways Magazine

Today's "Friday Fotos" theme is "stripes" on the Facebook page of Arizona Highways Magazine. Both of the images that...